THM RootMe Walkthrough
Welcome back geeks (a term of endearment I assure you). Today we are going to do a quick guided walkthrough of the RootMe box by TryHackMe . Without further ado, start your engines and get ready for the nmap scan. This answers the first two questions: Scan the machine, how many ports are open? What version of Apache is running? It then tells us to perform a directory list scan on the box, and find the hidden directory. Easy enough! Browsing to our secret directory, we find a landing page with what looks to be an upload form. Im going to go straight for gold and see if it will take a php reverse shell. The one we are going to be using is the PentestMonkey PHP-Reverse-Shell. Make sure to edit the shell to contain your IP and listening port before uploading. Nope. Not sure what language that is, but I'm pretty certain it translates as "Nice try, not going to happen". I'm guessing it's a file extension filter, we can try and bypass that by changing our shell to php5....